How our story began...

The idea for an Elks lodge in Keeseville was born in February 1958. District Deputy Raymond Wiley (Ticonderoga #1494) gathered several brothers from Plattsburgh Lodge #621, led by Past State President Bert Harkness, to meet with Harold Bracken, Alban Fitzpatrick, A. Bernard Charbonneau, and Thomas Costin; all members of Plattsburgh who resided in Keeseville.

After several organizational meetings with New York State New Lodge Chairman James A. Gunn, the organizational group elected the following charter officers:

Exalted Ruler - Harold Bracken

Est. Leading Knight - Guy Mason

Est. Loyal Knight - Louis Riani

Est. Lecturing Knight - Paul Calkins

Secretary - A. Bernard Charbonneau

Treasurer - Alban Fitzpatrick

Tiler - Alfred Chiappalone

Chaplain - Betram Lamoreux

Organist - Joel Schier

Inner Guard - Donald LaFortune

Trustee (5 years) - Harold Bailey

Trustee (4 years) - Floyd Neverette

Trustee (3 years) - Roger Prescott, Jr.

Trustee (2 years) - Kenneth Fitzgerald

Trustee (1 year) - John Denton

State President Frank H. McBride instituted the Lodge on April 27, 1958, in a ceremony held at the Keeseville Central School. On this day, the officers of Plattsburgh Lodge #621, the sponsoring Lodge, initiated 256 charter members. Another 70 members transferred into the new lodge from neighboring lodges. Bert Harkness, PSP, installed the new lodge officers, assisted by Grand Esquire Ed Hudson. After the formal ceremonies, a large and boisterous reception was held at the AuSable Chasm Entrance Building.

The beginning lodge meetings were held at St. John's Church Hall. In the fall of 1958, the Schell property was purchased and the inaugural lodge meeting in that building was December 11, 1958. As the membership grew, the building grew also, with additions in 1961, 1978, 1981, and 1989. In 1993, a beautiful pavilion was built on the back lawn and dedicated to the memory of Past District Deputy Donald Sweet.

In May 1995, Keeseville member William Smith was installed as President of the New York State Elks Association. That same year, on July 13, Keeseville merged with Saranac Lake Lodge #1508 to become known as Keeseville-Saranac Lake Lodge #2072. In 1999 Saranac Lake re-established their own lodge.

In 2007, Keeseville celebrated their first father-son Exalted Rulers when Steve Finnegan was installed as E.R. Steve's father, James Finnegan served as Exalted Ruler in 1973-1974. Since then, Dave Gload (2008; Peter Gload--1977), and Jason Witherwax (2009; Dan Witherwax--1988) have also provided second-generation leadership for the Lodge. In 2019, Keeseville celebrated another first when Marcia Brinton (Bradford Brington--1968) was the first daughter to continue second generation leadership for the lodge.

The Lodge celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2008. State President Jay Amodeo was the Guest of Honor at the outdoor, pig-roast-style celebration.

Another first came in 2011 when Carole Martin was installed as the first female Exalted Ruler.

Starting in 2011, and continuing through the next few years, the Lodge's leadership invested considerable time and money into the Lodge's infrastructure--including the kitchen and energy efficiency.

As the lodge continues to grow and head further into the 21st century, the leadership team continues to work on ways to improve the property and membership experience for everyone.

2024-2025 Officers

Exalted Ruler

Ed Kirby

Est. Leading Knight

Rick Hazen

Est. Loyal Knight

Lynn Hathaway

Est. Lecturing Knight

Grant Deno




Chris Colozza


Mark Cowen

Inner Guard

John Rabideau


Jim Cobb


Paul Lamoy

Trustee (5 year)

Mark Allen, PER

Trustee (4 year)

Mo Bresette, Chairperson

Trustee (3 year)

Mary Dixon

Trustee (2 year)

Clayton Barber, PER

Trustee (1 year)

Bob Bomba, PER

Past Exalted Rulers

State and Grand Lodge Offices held follow, with the years of service.

Harold "Slim" Bracken [July 1958-1960] [DDGER 1965-1966]

Louis Riani [1960-1961] [SVP 1964-1965]

Paul Calkins [1961-1962]

Alfred Chiappalone [1962-1963]

Betram Lamoreau [1963-1964]

A. Bernard Charbonneau [1964-1965]

Alban Fitzpatrick [1965- 1966]

Charles Finnegan [1966-1967] [SVP 1970-1971]

Alfred DeMoura [1967-1968] [DDGER 1972-1973]

Bradford Brinton [1968-1969]

Leo Roy [1969-1970]

Hugh McKee [1970-1971] [DDGER 1978-1979]

Leo Bergeron [1971-1972]

William Hickey [1972-1973]

James Finnegan [1973-1974] [SVP 1976-1977]

Trevor Dell [1974-1975] [SVP 2000-2001]

William Smith [1975-1976] [DDGER 1982-1983] [PSP 1995-1996]

Gary A. Rock [1976-1977]

Peter C. Gload [1977-1978] [SVP 1982-1983]

Duncan Robertson, Jr. [1978-1979]

Dan Gionet [1979-1980] [DDGER 1984-1985]

Joseph Johnson [1980-1981] [SVP 1989-1990]

Richard Dougherty [1981-1982]

Rolland Rock [1982-1983] [DDGER 2000-2001]

J. Mark Ford [1983-1984]

Wayne C. Farrell [1984-1985]

Lloyd Bressette [1985-1986]

Donald Shay [1986-1987]

Donald Sweet [1987-1988] [DDGER 1991-1992]

Dan Witherwax [1988-1989] [SVP 2006-2007] [DDGER 2009-2010]

Jeffrey Lamountain [1989-1990] [2020 - 2021] [2021 - 2022] [DDGER 2023-2024]

Thomas Sherman [1990-1991] [DDGER 1993-1994]

Clement Yasment [1991-1992]

Wilfred Patnode, Jr. [1992-1993]

Timothy Manning [1993-1994]

David Henderson [Apr. 1994 - XXX 1994] (Dave was active in the U.S. Air Force and was transferred during his E.R. year)

Harold MacDougal [1994-1996]

Michael Zmijewski [1996-1997]

Richard Rock [1997-1998] [SVP 1994-1995] [DDGER 2004-2005]

J. Rodney Stone [1998-1999]

Mark Whitney [1999-2000]

Edward Gardner [2000-2001] [SVP 2012-2013]

David Henderson [2001-2002]

William Doyle [2002-2003]

Fabian Barber [2003-2004]

Bruce Garcia [2004-2005]

Brian Clodgo [2005-2006]

Gary Baker [2006-2007]

Stephen Finnegan [2007-2008]

David Gload [2008-2009] [DDGER 2012-2013]

Jason Witherwax [2009-2010] [SVP 2017 - 2018]

Randall Pray [2010-2011] [2012-2013] [DDGER 2016 - 2017]

Carole Martin [2011-2012]

Anne King [2013-2014]

Mark Allen [2014-2015]

Lee Pray [2015 - 2016] [DDGER 2021 - 2022]

Kevin Greene [2016 - 2017]

Chris Payette [Plattsburgh 2009 - 2010; Keeseville 2017 - 2018 ] [DDGER 2020 - 2021]

Clayton Barber [2018 - 2019]

Marcia Brinton [2019 - 2020]

Lynn Hathaway [2022 - 2023]

Chris Colozza [2023-2024]